Holidays. I always love this time of the year, probably because my family has always made it so special, but here in Italia I have a new vigor for this season stronger than ever before. The feeling of the holiday season automatically makes me feel closer to home and to the ones I love and creates an automatic link with the people here in Ferrara.
We had a wonderfully unique Thanksgiving here in Ferrara. We still had to go to classes, unfortunately, but CIEE put together a dinner at one of the osterie in town to which we often go. Usually, CIEE staff cooks the whole dinner, trying to keep it as close to American tradition as they can, but I must admit I had some doubts about that. How much can I really trust a Thanksgiving dinner to two Italians and a Welshman? Apparently someone else thought the same thing and asked our Student Coordinator, Patti, if we could do it semi-potluck style, an idea to which Patti and the rest of the staff happily consented. I decided to make a salad (I am my mother's daughter after all) and some oven roasted green beans (and I am...well,
me after all) for our potluck and brought them to the restaurant at about 8pm that night. We all sat down and were brought two, yes TWO courses by the restaurant of antipasti and pasta without seeing anything related to Thanksgiving. Apparently they decided all of the food that we brought was going to be combined into a gigantic third course, but of course a bunch of the kids were getting full before the turkey came out! The turkey, however, was well worth the wait. As we were all talking about our own Thanksgiving traditions, the lights in the osteria dimmed and out of the kitchen came a turkey glowing with sparklers. We all laughed and clapped, and to add to the quasi American tradition before us, one of the students started singing "happy Thanksgiving to us, happy Thanksgiving to us" and we all spontaneously joined in to the new words of the Birthday song, finishing with cheers and clapping, thus finishing the spread of Thanksgiving tradition misconceptions in Italia. Out came all the "real" Thanksgiving food we had all brought, complete with mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, and my green beans and salad. Looks like I may have to hope for some pie once I get home to Colorado, however, as we did end up with Italian, albeit delicious, desserts.
And so the next morning I was officially allowed to get excited about the Christmas season that had descended upon Ferrara! Here, as in many Italian cities, there is a "Christmas market" for the three weeks or so before Christmas in the center of town. I say "Christmas market" because only about thirty percent of the merchandise is specific to Christmas, but it's still fun to have a definite sign of the holiday season in the center of town.
Ferrara also shows it's Christmas spirit as nativities and ornaments show up in store windows and as icicle lights get strung around town. Until this past weekend, however, they weren't turned on at night, but in the last few days it has been magnificent to be out at night and to see the city lit up with these simple but elegant flickering lights. As I finished up class and headed home today, I biked into the centro and came upon the Cathedral. Right in front of it a giant Christmas tree was being decorated with the same lights as are dangling throughout the city. It really is an incredible thing to be able to stand in this ancient town square lit up in holiday spirit like that. Being able to see the town during this season is something I would have hated to miss out on if I had done the more popular spring semester abroad.
With only about a week left of classes, I am proud to say that I have finished my two long papers in Italian and now feel as if I can really enjoy my last week or so in Ferrara. I'm actually off to visit a friend from CU who is teaching at a French school in the little down of Die in southeastern France. After a train, a bus, a plane, a train, and another train, I should make it there by 9:30pm :) Once I get back, I have three more tests before the end of this semester here in Ferrara! I'm so excited to see all my family in less than two weeks and to tell everyone more about my experiences here. Love to all and Merry Christmas Season :)
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